Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Google Analytics

If you have a website(s) and you aren't using Google Analytics - Wake Up. Google Analytics (GA) is a Google product that analyzes the traffic at your websites. It is the "meat and bones" of how visitors search for, locate, navigate through and truly convert on your sites. And, remarkably, like most things Google, it is free. Think of harnessing the power about "what other people think about your web presence." GA pulls back the veil and lets you see what the masses think about how you're doing business on the web. Once you begin to use it - it will blow your mind, simply because it answer questions you didn't even know you had. How does Google do it? It's amazing. Absolutely amazing stuff.

You now have the opportunity to see what your conversion rate is without having to subscribe to a consulting's service. GA is user friendly (and of course it's geared to get you buying more and more adwords), but it can change how you present information on the web - and it doesn't cost you anything. Did I mention that part?

If you're interested click here, but before you do please read this very small illustration: On my property management website I use lots of video for various reasons
  • Video tours of available property
  • Education
  • Introduction of ideas, ie. our application process, etc.
So, by using GA I'm able to quickly see that the visitors who arrive at the squeeze page (where you will arrive by clicking the link above) stay on the page for an average of 96 seconds. Adversely, I have a video on that squeeze page that is only 28 seconds long. Now, not because of GA, but because of web-marketing research I thought that I only had 30 seconds or so to speak to those people. What did GA show me?


I was dead wrong. I now know have an extra have an extra 68 seconds to speak to the masses who visit my website that I didn't know I had. I now have the ability to actually articulate what it is that this property management business does.

Do you know how much info you can fit into 68 seconds?

Now, I'm a fast talker and I could probably cram a lot into a minute plus, but imagine the possibilities because of this one piece of info... What if I spent the time to make it a funny video, or beautiful, or winsome. Just dream up the possibilities when you realize that you have an additional 200% + of the amount time you thought you did to be in front of a possible customer/client? (Stop and go back, read that last sentence again. Really, please go back and read that again.) How business growing; game changing is that? So, whatever it's worth - check out GA. What could it cost you, 96 seconds?

1 comment:

  1. Great post. I agree Google Analytics has been a great way to see the way your customers view your site. Very informave.
